Have You Made A New Year's Resolution? It's Not To Late To Correct That Mistake!!!

Jan 01, 2025

Resolutions are a waste of time.  Within 6 weeks 90% of resolutions have been given up on or forgotten!!!!

So don't waste your time with resolutions.

Goals however are different.  To be effective goals need to be SMART.







Even that alone isn't enough to guarantee success.  To be effective in accomplishing your goals you need a process or system implemented to achieve them.  Just setting a goal without a plan to achieve it will be as ineffective as making a resolution.

So if you have a goal of losing 20#s in 3 months, just setting the goal is no more effective than the New Year's resolution.  But if you set the goal, with a plan/system to lift 3x a week, walk 10,000 or more steps a day, and clean up your diet eliminating highly processed food like substances, added sugar, and no alcohol- then you have a goal and a way to achieve the goal.  The chances of you doing this is extremely high.

Now one last part.........

You will screw up.  You will miss going to the gym.  You will go out with friends one night and go off your eating plan.  Do you know what that makes you?  A human.

But here is the trick that will save you and help you achieve the goal.  Never fail at following your plan/system 2 days in a row.  Fail, get right back on track the next day.  Don't use failing on Friday night as an excuse to not exercise all weekend and eat like crap.  

Don't beat yourself up.  Acknowledge you screwed up and get back on track.

What is one goal you are focusing on the first quarter of this year?

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